My Weekly Answers to the Arizona Daily Sun’s Questions

My Weekly Answers to the Arizona Daily Sun’s Questions

Each week, the publisher of the Arizona Daily Sun poses a question to the candidates for city council and mayor. Below are each of my answers. Local journalism is so important and I encourage you to subscribe. I’ll add additional answers as they appear in the newspaper.

Promoting Problem-Solving, Looking to the Arizona Voters’ Agenda

Promoting Problem-Solving, Looking to the Arizona Voters’ Agenda

Before the latest survey from the Center for the Future of Arizona was released, I believed that we’re in agreement on important issues more often than not. I base this primarily on conversations I’ve had with people who hold myriad political opinions about candidates and so-called partisan issues, but with whom I’ve found agreement on many of the problems we humans face. The Center recently released their Arizona Voters’ Agenda (AVA) based on a statistically relevant survey of Arizona voters—results of a second, post-Primary survey will be released this fall. A great thing about serving as mayor is that I get discuss issues with all kinds of people and to focus on problem-solving. We agree on some big issues and when we prioritize these issues,…

Water Rights Guaranteed Under Latest Settlement Agreement

Water Rights Guaranteed Under Latest Settlement Agreement

This historic Agreement was a long time in the making. Since the mid-1990s, the Navajo Nation, Hopi Tribe and parties to the Little Colorado River Adjudication, including Flagstaff, have attempted to settle water rights disputes through settlement. When settlement talks were not possible, the parties were actively litigating the water rights claims of the Hopi Tribe and Navajo Nation. Litigation had been ongoing since the 1970s—both expensive and resulting only in “paper” water rights for the Tribes.

Keeping People and Their Pets Together

Keeping People and Their Pets Together

The Executive Director of the Arizona Pet Project reached out to me several months ago and I was excited to learn more about their work. It combines issues that are priorities for me—housing, animal and human welfare, and animal shelter overcrowding. The mission of the Arizona Pet Project: To reduce the number of dogs and cats entering Arizona shelters by providing the resources needed to keep pets and their families together. This organization is staffed by social workers and they can tailor a solution to each individual situation. If a family or individual meets income requirements, the AZ Pet Project can assist with money to help with veterinarian bills, rental deposits, temporary boarding, or most any other need. They also have some funding available specific…

Making Quality-of-Life Improvements in Flagstaff

Making Quality-of-Life Improvements in Flagstaff

I’m happy to report progress on Flagstaff’s Carbon Neutrality Plan (CNP). I’m proud of our community for its planning, utilization of the latest science, and advocacy that created the CNP. To watch the latest update given at the June 18, 2024 city council meeting, watch the video here. I’m a strong supporter of the CNP for several reasons. This plan emerged from several years of work by thousands of residents and the city’s sustainability staff. I attended many meetings where I learned more about climate science and experienced the support expressed by Flagstaff residents of all ages. Importantly, I support the plan for the improved air quality, neighborhood cohesion, and cost savings that residents can enjoy through taking climate action. Clean energy, water security, reduced…

Advocating for Flagstaff

Advocating for Flagstaff

In late April, I joined nearly 50 other mayors and descended on Washington, DC on a mission to fight for solutions to address the housing and homelessness crisis affecting U.S. cities. We advocated for changes to voucher income qualifications for veterans, additional funding for housing choice vouchers, and increasing or eliminating the cap on the number of project-based vouchers (vouchers that are attached to a rental development rather than an individual or family). On the first day of our trip, we met with Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services; Adrianne Todman, Acting Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; Denis McDonough, Secretary of Veterans Affairs; Tom Perez, Senior Advisor to the President and Director of the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs; Neera Tanden,…

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