Museum Fire flooding — background & photos. Help our neighbors on Saturday, June 18.
Sign up to help our neighbors living in the path of potential flooding from the 2019 Museum Fire. Saturday, June 18 The City of Flagstaff is organizing volunteers into two shifts. The focus will be on assisting residents who are elderly, disabled, or otherwise unable to rebuild and refortify their sandbag walls. From the City’s website: “Volunteers should meet at the Coconino County Health and Human Services building, located at 2625 N. King St. Shifts will be from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 to 4 p.m. Volunteers are encouraged to wear sturdy shoes, pants, and sun protection, and to bring a refillable water bottle, a face covering for dust, and work gloves if available. Food will be provided! Volunteers should register online…